Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year New View

The year is 2010. I spent  alot of 2009 exploring social networking. I had resisted the media previously, dismissing it as juvenile and voyeuristic. But it proved useful in a variety of ways. I was able to reconnect with high school friends after decades and I found my literary exhibitionist. So here I am creating my first blog post.
I have been wanting to write a book for several years on a variety of topics. I figure that with my ADD and procratsination issues a blog may be the only way. I watched a good friend of mine take the blogging world by storm, passing on his amazing wealth of knowledge on his favorite subject. Using him as inspriation, I hope to entertain you all with my many stories about coffee and people.

About me you say. I have been alot of things in my lifetime, but one thing that I have always been is a coffee drinker/lover. I love coffee. I work in the industry. Eating, drinking, and breathing the elixir everyday since I was probably 3. My mother can tell lots of stories about coffee and me. From her decision to send me to school because my Grandmother and I spent the afternoons drinking coffee and watching soaps. I was 4. To our cross country car trip and she would order  a glass of milk and a cup of coffee. The milk was for her and the coffee for me. I was 5. I currently own 6 coffee makers. I rotate them based on the type of coffee I may be brewing. Is that normal? It is in my world.

So join me on my adventure in coffeeworld.